Late to the Party...

... as usual.

So I just discovered that Christian successfully cast raise dead on the destination unknown blog last week. Thank goodness! I just wish I'd known sooner, though. I've been seriously bummed since hearing it was going way - which, by the way, was after it had already gone. (Like I said: "as usual.")

Christian's blog is - to me - the old-school blogosphere's equivalent of the quiet book shop you sneak away to when the rest of the world gets too intense; a nice, friendly place, mercifully free of sturm und drang.

Now I just need to find a cleric who's willing to cast remove curse on the Rust Monster blog - for less than 5sp, preferably.
. . . . .


  1. __, __, _, _ _, _,_ __,
    |_) |_ |\/| / \ | / |_
    | \ | | | \ / |/ |
    ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~
    _, _,_ __, _, __,
    / ` | | |_) (_ |_
    \ , | | | \ , ) |
    ~ `~' ~ ~ ~ ~~~


  2. @Stuart: Thanks! (Are you sure you're a cleric? ;D)

  3. It says so on my character sheet. :)


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