While poking around the stores for post-holiday bargains (and braving massive crowds and insane drivers) I stumbled across this little beauty sitting in the Papo/Safari/Schleich toys display at the local Michael's store:
I knew that this dragon from Safari had to be mine, because - horns aside - it instantly reminded me of my all-time favorite illustration from the interior of my first RPG love:

This illustration has always been, IMHO, what D&D is all about...
This little guy is just about as tall (in relation to human-sized models) as the beastie in the illo above; a ~30mm tall D&D miniature stands just a hair above the dragon's shoulder, meaning that my old Ral Partha 25's should fit perfectly in proportion with it.
Now if only my Ral Partha's weren't all buried in storage... /sigh
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